Spread The Word
It takes all of us — reaching out, sharing stories and engaging — to help make Rise for Climate a success. Here’s how you can help:
Flyer at local farmers markets, festivals, and events
Flyers are available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese! You can download and print (we like to use golden yellow paper) or contact Olga at 858.361.8992 or olga @ sandiego350.org to pick up some pre-printed flyers in La Mesa, North Park, or La Jolla.

Put up posters in your neighborhood

Posters on college campuses, in coffee shops, libraries, laundromats, storefront windows, bars, bulletin boards and more help get the word out about the march. Put one up in your office lunchroom or on your door! We have 8.5 x 11 posters and 11 x 17 posters you can download and print or pick up and post. It’s often helpful to also drop some flyers in these places. Contact Olga at 858.361.8992 or olga @ sandiego350.org to pick up posters.
Help us make phone calls to climate advocates
We have a list of thousands of San Diegans who care about climate change and climate justice. Help us call and text them to make sure they know about the march, and to get engaged in volunteering. These are folks who are happy to hear from us. Please contact Olga at 858.361.8992 or olga @ sandiego350.org for a list of phone calls, a script and easy instructions.
Invite your friends and family
Send them an email, invite them to RVSP for the event, invite them to the Facebook event page and share social media posts. Call them, text them, or send them a video. Use colorful flyer images – in English, Spanish and Vietnamese – in your emails and social media. Bring printed flyers with you to picnics, parties, gatherings and more (links to black and white flyers above). Pledge to bring 20 people with you – together will fill the streets!
Get personal! First-person stories are powerful recruitment tools. Why do you think it’s time for a fast and just transition to 100% renewable energy for all? What inspired you to join the movement? Share your reasons on social media with the hashtags. Seeing the faces of real people who will be there and hearing about why they’re participating can help your friends and followers imagine themselves being there too.
Share what you’re doing to build the march! Are you passing out flyers? Making art? Holding meetings? That’s awesome! Interview participants and share video clips or photos with quotations on social media. Let the people in your community see the momentum building
Hashtags we’re using: #whyimarch, #RiseForClimate, #RiseForClimateSD, #FossilFree, and #ClimateCrossroads.
Ask people in your community to share and retweet
It doesn’t have to be a big celebrity. It could be a local sports team, musician, or an elected official. Who do people listen to in your community? Who has a big following on social media? Ask them to help spread the word. Like you, others around the world are sharing their stories. You can help amplify their voices by sharing and retweeting their posts. Check out all the latest content here.